Gourmet Reaper Bunjal Coronation Chicken/Tofu
by The Chilli Guru on May 30, 2022

Taking two of our favourite condiments and twisting them together for a regal feast!
Pat & Pinky’s Bunjal Paste mixed with Chilli Mash Co.’s Reaper Mayo makes the perfect base to this pepped up classic!
You’ll need the following:
- 2 chicken breasts, skin removed or tofu
- 1 tbsp coldpressed rapeseed oil
- 1 unwaxed lemon, zest and juice
- 1 desert spoon of butter / plant butter
- 2 tbsp tomato purée
- 100ml/3½fl oz dry white wine (Preferably Sauvignon Blanc)
- 150ml/5fl oz Reaper mayonnaise / Vegan Chilli Mayo
- 75ml/3fl oz Crème Fraîche / Soy Sour Cream
- 150ml Bunjal Curry Paste
- Lettuce to serve
- Optional extra: P&P Mango Chutney - 100ml
Rub the rapeseed oil all over the chicken or tofu. Scatter over the lemon zest and season with salt and pepper.
Steam the chicken/to for 20–25 minutes (Or steam the tofu for 6-8 minutes), or until cooked through. Set aside to cool.
Melt the butter in a frying pan, add the shallot and chilli and cook for 5 minutes. Stir in the Bunjal Paste and cook for 2–3 minutes. Stir in the tomato purée and cook for a further minute. Add the wine and simmer until the volume of the liquid has reduced by half.
Stir in the mango chutney and set aside to cool.
Mix the Reaper Mayonnaise / Vegan Chilli Mayo and the crème fraîche / soy sour cream together in a bowl, then stir in the cooled curry dressing and lemon juice.
Cut the chicken / tofu into small chunks. Stir chicken into the curry dressing. Serve between slices of buttered fresh bread and lettuce.